Monday, January 26, 2009

The beginning of my story at KGP

It was a few months back. The counselling results were out and I had bagged a seat in IIT KGP. Although I had visited KGP once during the counselling session, but I didn't get much of a chance to have a good look at all the places around it and even inside the IIT-campus during that time. This was mainly because I stayed here for just one day and it was raining cats and dogs during that time .

So, when I came here for the first time after my admission, I was fairly new to this place. The only things that I knew about KGP were :

1) It has the longest railway platform in the world.

2) It has the oldest and the largest IIT which I was going to join.

Here I was. In the midst of the barren and abandoned-looking lands of Kharagpur which were once a part of the ancient Hijli kingdom and still remain the same but for the IIT. "This was the beginning of my story at KGP."

This is the specialty of this place. You move around for the first time in KGP, you get a feel that its an old desolate place that hasn't changed for the last fifty years, nor is it gonna change in the next fifty of them.


  1. shsssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh koi hai

  2. hope it changes.. atleast for the daimond jubilee as we got 100 crores grant from govt
