ARID (Algae for Rural India Development) is a producer of renewable and environment-friendly fuel, biodiesel, from algae.
Our Mission
Our mission is to create value and make a difference.
ARID aims at
· helping villages to become self-sufficient in their energy needs
· driving rural India towards a socially, economically, and environmentally better future and
· helping the cause of global warming reduction by carbon sequestration,
while simultaneously producing biodiesel as a transportation fuel.
Our model is new and would bring about rural empowerment and a distributed development.
Our Innovation
The BioPyramid is a highly-efficient bioreactor which helps produce biodiesel in an environmentally and economically sustainable way and helps bring down the production cost of commercial biodiesel to INR 14.40 / litre.
We have set-up a prototype, to prove the concept, at the Agro-Environment Lab at the Dept. of Agriculture and Food Engineering in IIT Kharagpur. The biodiesel extracted from the algae has been tested with very good and satisfying results.